
Showing posts from January, 2015

On the Other Foot.

Throughout my life I have been a part of this culture that has an opinion on the issue of homosexuality. As for a little background of my own, I was raised in a southern mega church in Griffin, Georgia. As a bible belt southern Christian, I was raised to believe that being a homosexual was considered demonic and an abomination to God. With many people in my church community, we knew very little of the LGBT community and therefore we feared them and labeled them ungodly. As I grew up and entered adolescents, the LGBT community began to gain momentum and began to be shown as a large movement across the country with the famous slogan, “come out of the closet”. This slogan was to express the LGBT community to not fear their sexual orientation and to take pride in their sexuality. With such a wide spread movement, the issue could no longer be pushed aside as it did in the beginning. My church had to finally voice their opinion as support or against The LGBT community. Like many other church...