The Influence of Jones
What makes a leader? Is it their beliefs? Is it their charisma? Is it their compassion? With every leader, one must have a follower. Followers will look towards their leader for guidance. How far would you follow a leader? Would you ever follow someone to your own destruction? On November 18th, 1978, Leader of the Peoples Temple, Jim Jones, would lead over 900 of his followers to commit murder and suicide in the name of Jones. With his followers all being from America, many people questioned how one man could lead to the death of so many Americans. For over 20 years, Jones would create a socialist movement that would gain a following of over 3,000 Americans. Jones would use the civil rights movement, political power, complete socialism, and paranoia to have full control over his congregation and inevitably use his influence to take the lives of 900 members to send the message that they would lay down their lives as an act of revolutionary suicide. Histography ...