
Showing posts from June, 2019

Easily Offended

(Photo: Underwood Archives, Getty Images) On April 8th, 2019, I posted a poll on Facebook posing the question, "Do you believe that people are more sensitive and more easily offended now (the 2010s) than ever before?" 66 people voted with 71% (47) people saying yes and 29% (19) people saying no. Comments discussed social media being a factor as well as age. The question presented if people were offended but did not specify a group of people. Now some people asked if this was to start a fire on Facebook especially how "divided" we are as a country. Throughout the last nine years, I can see in person and social media the belief that people are becoming "soft" with participation trophies and being rewarded for their failure...or that is what I am being told. My social media is riddled with people expressing frustration that millennials are sensitive and lazy due to being babied more than the other generations. This isn't only with older generations...