
Showing posts from May, 2020


Guinea Pig Fun Facts!!!!!

(Cubone by Jacob Gunter) Thought about changing up my blog to a guinea pig fun fact page! I sure do love my guinea pigs and I have learned a lot about them over these past few months. There is some pretty interesting facts about guinea pigs and I thought I would share them with you all! I hope you enjoy it! Guinea Pig Fun Fact #1: As of 2019, Sweden has made it illegal for the sale of single guinea pigs. What does that mean? If you were in the market for a guinea pig, you better be looking for two. Guinea pigs are very social creatures that make them being able to interact with other pigs! They need connection amongst their own kinda and being left alone in a cage can lead to them feeling lonely and sad :(. I really can relate to these little pigs at times. Even though a single guinea pig can interact with kids and family members in their forever home, but honestly we all need to be around our own type of person. Sometimes when I am at work, sitting in meetings, I feel that ...

The Rat

White Rat by Michael Creese Are you okay? The rat was vilified because of not what he did but for who he was. Rats carried disease and sickness yet the filth he carried attracted the other animals in the forest. To the other animals, he was a sinner that they all were deep within themselves. You see the rat did not have to lie to bring the curiosity of the others among the forest. He followed no one. Listened to no one. Believed in no one. For who he was he was not welcomed in the light, judged in the light, and outcasted in the light, but in the dark, the rat would flourish. You see, the rat did not have to search for the attention he longed for in the forest. The animals would find the rat in the night and pull on the temptations they pushed away in the day. They condoned what they condemned and the rat lavished in it. He saw the true colors of the animals. Not all the masks, status, and reputation. The rat got to see the true animal in all of them. He knew what all the animal...