The Pancake Parable

Once upon a time, there was a tribe named the pancake tribe. The tribe was known for their delicious light fluffy pancakes. They had really good pancakes. The tribe's pancakes were their main form of business. Even though the pancakes were very delicious, they were very bad for you and they would make you sick. The chief of this tribe demanded that everyone must eat the pancakes that were being made for them. People of the tribes were now being made to eat these pancakes that would make them sick. People would sneak out of the tribe and tell the other tribes about these awful demands by the chief. One day another tribe was hearing about the terrors of the pancake tribe. This tribe began rallying up other tribes to discuss what the chief of the pancake tribe was doing to his people. Eventually, all the tribes began forming rallies, and groups to stop the tyranny. All the rallying tribes would begin to wear little buttons with a picture of pancakes having a large red x marked across them. After awhile, all the people in the tribes would be wearing the button on all their clothing. The button would become kind of the new popular thing to do in the tribes. Everyone who didn't wear the button would be judged because they didn't care about all the people suffering in the pancake tribe. People would actually put on the button and didn't even know what the button was supporting. As long as they were accepted by their peers and be in the "in-crowd" they would wear the buttons. All the people eventually were wearing the button to show that they wanted to put a stop to the evil pancake tribe chief. Even though they were supporting the end to the tyranny, none of the other tribes actually stopped the pancake tribe. The would all wear the buttons but never went to help the pancake tribe people from their suffering. Eventually, all the other tribes just became obsessed with wearing the buttons and never helped the pancake tribe. Nothing changed in the pancake tribe. The people just continued to eat the pancakes. All the other tribes lost their focus from the cause to help the people of the pancake tribe, and just worried more about making sure that everyone else knew that they were "supporting" the stop of the pancake tribes tyranny. The buttons just became fashionable and like all fashion, people quit wearing the buttons and moved on with their life. The pancake tribe remained in their doomed life of consuming their pancakes. The people of the pancake tribe would never know that people were "helping" them, because the other tribes never actually came to help. The other tribes were a little too busy staying with the latest popular thing than actually helping the pancake tribe.


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