Red Eye

(My Complex Heart by Lorraine Christie)

Hello, it's been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. I've been keeping myself busy with life and I know I have been neglecting my blog that I have had for five years now! Crazy how my writing has changed since 2012. I suppose this post is another rant about issues that have been on my mind for the past few months. Social media has really gone off the deep end with everyone expressing their views on whatever is worth talking about.

I don't understand why we think that calling names and expressing our views on issues via a facebook status will change anyone's view on anything. Has anyone read a post on facebook and then suddenly change their view on politics, abortions, rights, sexuality, refugees, etc, by someone you are in school or work with in your everyday life? Does expressing your disgust for someone resolve the issue? Will calling the president names going to make him change his agenda? Believe me, I am all for freedom of speech and expressing your thoughts, but who are you expressing these thoughts to in your posts? Are you trying to fuel your beliefs by having other people agree or disagree with your opinion? There is nothing wrong posting your opinion on issues, but what change has come from it? I guess this post is to make the point that we all want change, yet I haven't seen so much effort for change in people. I hate to be blunt but expressing your opinion for or against our government via facebook status will not change anything. I hate to admit it, but it will either lead to someone agreeing or disagreeing with your status and they keep scrolling. You may have someone comment on their opinion and then that is that. You may even get into an argument and lose a facebook friend. While this is all happening the issues that you have are still happening. 

To the people against Trump,
You want love and peace, yet you spout hatred for anyone who disagrees with you. Could you love Trump? Could you love someone who voted for Trump? Could someone who supported Trump be more of a human than a racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe? Why stereotype a group of people who you hate because you believe they stereotype people that are not them? If you hate a hateful person, how are you any better than them? If the change we want is fueled by hatred, how can we have a future of tolerance and acceptance when you cannot accept someone who is different than you. Didn't you hate the people that didn't accept you? 

To the people for Trump,
Can one be loved unconditionally? You want to make America great again, yet you call anyone who disagrees with you too sensitive, freak, idiot, misinformed. Why is something that is different considered wrong? Can someone who is against Trump be more than an abomination? If you want to help someone, pointing out the flaws and looking down on them does not change anyone.

Before you rip me apart,
Not everyone who is for or against Trump is like this. This is what I have seen this on both sides of the coin and that part is really for them. These tactics for change only bring themselves and the people around them down. People that don't view anyone's opinions but their own leads to radical movements, and in this case, it could be from either side at this point.

The Big Picture
I feel that we are missing the big problems that we have always have had in our America. We have always had issues on abortions, racism, sexism, but this isn't new to anyone, but how is sharing your own opinion going to stop anything? If you want to make America great again, why don't you leave your keyboards and do something about it? If you constantly complain about an issue and not actually make an attempt for change then nothing will happen. What drives you to make a change for the better? 

Instead of griping on Trumps crude comment towards women, why don't you donate to stop domestic violence 

If you are upset about refugees in Syria donate to Unicef,

If you have any issue on anything, go to google and I am sure there is an organization that will take donations that will help. If you don't have money to give go to a church or your community and I am sure there is so much you could do to improve your community. Even if it is just buying the cup of coffee for a co-worker, staying an extra five minute to help someone finish a task at your job will just blow their mind. Volunteer to help kids in after school programs with homework and motivate them to stay in school. Pick up trash you may see on the ground when walking around your community. If you want to make America great again, just be nice to people. Love people and be good to them. Understand that your issues are important, but people in your own community really have it rough. Believe me, when I started working in the clinical mental field, my problems got real small. We all got problems, but that doesn't mean we should hurt others. Be considerate of others and if someone does you wrong, why should you be like them? Do good and good will follow.

This is my first and last post about politics and everything that has happened so far in 2017. Discussing this stuff is so saturated these days that I get bored talking about the same thing. I know my opinion won't be agreed by everyone and that is perfectly fine. As always, I would love for anyone's input on the post. I am going to try and post at least one post per month this year, but it will be more fictional and personal thought posts. Thanks for reading! 



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