Guinea Pig Fun Facts 2!!!!

(Charlie by Jacob Gunter)

Hey, all my guinea pig lovers out there! With so much popularity of my last guinea pig fun fact post, I thought it would be fun to continue it here! I love guinea pigs and I think this page can focus more on more of a guinea pig-themed page! I hope you enjoy it!

Guinea pigs will lick the ears of each other as a way to comfort each other. If your guinea pigs lick your fingers, well I got good news, that means they like you! They also like salt which our hands are also salty due to sweat. Guinea pigs seek comfort in different ways and if they are able to rest and sleep while you're in the room only shows that they trust you and are comfortable around you. I think a lot of people long for that type of comfort right now. The world is going through hardship after hardship and it seems that no one has any real solution to these matters. Bombings, to wildfires, to coronavirus, to riots and protests. It seems death is creeping up on us more closely every day. Death is a part of everyone's life and it will one day we all will succumb to it. Death is scary and hard for those who are left behind. We all have different beliefs about what happens after death such as heaven, reincarnation, or just ceasing to exist. I could go down the rabbit hole of what happens after death but I want to focus more on life and the people that we surround ourselves with every day.

Now I love the internet, I am currently using the internet for work, school, and socializing. The internet has done wonders to cope with this pandemic. I even met my wife on the internet. With all the good of the internet, there is a lot of bad that happened through the internet such as fraud, porn addiction, and the propaganda of hate speech and violence. Before you think your Facebook posts are what I am considering as hate speech, don't, I am referring to a much different group of people on the internet that I have been working with for almost a year now. The internet has had it's high and lows but with it being a place that gives everyone a platform can be a great place of information and delusion.

Here are the facts: Coronavirus has led to the deaths of 115,000 Americans and 413,000 worldwide. George Floyd was wrongfully killed due to having a police officer's knee being on his neck. You believe what you want to believe but we have evidence for these facts. The problem I am having is that you take these facts and stretch them to what you want to believe and meet your own agenda. We all cherry-pick what we want to believe and we will ignore anything that may challenge our belief. Don't worry, both sides of the political party choose this, all races, religions, sexualities, and genders have this cherry-picked lifestyle. This is why we choose to surround the people with the same beliefs, read the specific books, watch certain news stations, and follow certain people on social media. This is good marketing in my opinion. You give the people what they want to hear, see, and believe. Just like good marketing, companies will try to promote their product. The problem arises when they use the marketing technique of trying to bring down another product to promote your own. The classic Coca-Cola and Pepsi debate. If you watch Fox News you're a racist bigot. If you watch CNN you're a  communist snowflake, If you don't wear a mask you want everyone to die. If you vote Trump you promote misogyny who will bring destruction to minorities, women, and LGBTQIA. If you vote Biden then you will promote the socialist downfall where it will be illegal to be a Christian. Police bad. Police good. Riots are the voice of the unheard. Riots have to lead to the destruction of so many lives. Defund the police. Better train the police. COVID is just another flu. COVID is the wrath of God. COVID can be preventable if we social distance, COVID is taking my freedom. America is the land of the free. America is Nazi Germany. Racism is real. Everyone is sensitive. Ok, Boomer. Entitled millennial. You leave your house, you bring death. Everyone stays home, but its memorial day. Everyone stays home, but I need to exercise my right of protest. If you don't believe what I believe than you are wicked. You are either with us or against us.

Where is the common ground anymore? Does everyone want America to be better? Both sides of the coin do want a better and brighter future for America, they just believe that the other one is wrong. Neither democrats nor republicans have the agenda to bring down America and sabotage the country. My evidence behind this is to see how passionate people are for this country. Look how verbal both side is for this country. The well-being of America seems to be on everyone's mind. We want people to be safe and thrive. Every American wants America to be the greatest country in the world but with us feeding this us vs them mentality we are dividing everyone. If everyone came together on the common ground of making America a great country, imagine what greatness we could all achieve. I am realistic and I know this is almost impossible. What I believe could be realistic is to stop vilifying anyone that disagrees with you and take them as someone who just disagrees. If I vote for someone you didn't vote for, does that make me your enemy? I have helped a lot of people overcome hard times, love my wife and family, and try to be respectful, yet my view on a current event topic irradicates all the good deeds I have done in the past? Am I truly evil if I eat Chick-fil-a? Am I truly evil if I don't vote because I have no idea who I should vote for? The issues focused on today do not define who we are as people. Why don't we debate the transgender bathroom anymore, the hobby lobby plan b controversy, or if the dress is black/blue or gold/white? These issues are important but they will be discussed, debated, and fought over, which will lead to more hatred and strained relationships among our own communities until we find a new controversy. Believe me when I say that 2020 has been a dumpster fire of a year and just like guinea pigs we definitely need to find comfort with each other instead damning anyone that is indifferent to our beliefs.


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