Dear Elizabeth pt. 2
(Gypsy by Kees Van Dongen)
December 23rd 2002
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for responding to my letter! To be completely honest, I really thought you wouldn't even read my letter. I'm sorry, that made you sound like an awful person, which you're not. I'm just glad you are doing well in France! You make that place sound amazing. Maybe when I graduate, I can score an artist job in France. My parents still give me a hard time sometime for being an art major, because they believe that there is no money in my degree. That is what my calling is though, and my God I'm gonna keep pursuing it. My best painting is the one of you I painted the summer before college. That was the painting that got me accepted into the art program here in the first place. Sorry I made you stand in that pose for hours, but it was worth it right? I think my parents have the painting in the attic, may go look for it next time I'm home. I am glad that you are seeing someone in France. Samuel sounds like a really great guy. I just picture him with a tiny mustache and have some fancy accent! I'm sorry, that's not funny. Can't believe you have been dating him for almost a year though, and that is really good. He has some way to go to beat our five years! Honestly though, you sound happy with him, and I hope he is good to you. I actually have been seeing someone for about four months now. I met her in the waiting room at my therapist's office. Her name is Cindy. She is a English major. She wants to teach kids in third world countries English. I think that is awesome that she wants to help kids don't you think? She isn't crazy or anything. She was in the waiting room, because she just is a little overwhelmed with her schooling. She is very pretty though. Elizabeth, if you saw this girl, you would be stunned by how beautiful she looks when she talks about her passions. I feel that Cindy is good for me. I really haven't seen anyone seriously since our break up, and I'm just lonely Elizabeth. You're so much to me and throughout high school, you were really the closest person to me. I mean you were my first everything and I think that just made us separating much harder. I don't regret anything though. You were an amazing person and I still think you deserve someone good. Maybe Samuel and Cindy will be what we need to move forward in life. I heard you came home for Thanksgiving, because you couldn't make it for Christmas. Your parents told my parents that they met Samuel and that he was a great guy. Wish you were here for Christmas though. Just sitting at my desk watching the snow fall outside. The snow is quite calming in my opinion. Just at my parents house for the holidays. Cindy is making me some hot chocolate down stairs, meeting the parents. Thought I would just write this letter real quick and head downstairs to help Cindy with my parent's barrage of questions. Thanks for writing me again, I hope you write me soon.
Merry Christmas
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